Keynote at eTwinning Conference in Athens: Understanding the Evolution of Educational Inequalities through the LINEup Systematic Literature Review Findings

The 10th Panhellenic eTwinning Conference took place on the premises of the Ministry of Education on November 8, 9 and 10 and was organised by The Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”. A diverse group of teachers, researchers and policymakers gathered to discuss how digital technologies can enable collaborative projects in primary and secondary education. […]
Tackling Inequalities in Education Across Europe: a year of insights and progress from the LINEup project

LINEup: Building a Fairer Education System Across Europe The LINEup project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme, began in February 2024 with an ambitious goal: to uncover what drives quality education for all. By mapping and analyzing existing longitudinal data on students’ learning outcomes at primary and secondary level, LINEup is paving the way […]